Friday, September 22, 2017

2 Day Cold Wax workshop

We covered many cold wax techniques, perhaps too many. I have a tendency to share everything I know and that can be overwhelming; however, both of these accomplished artists, Cate and Segris chose their own direction and made some fascinating paintings.
This works well as a diptych with the image 2 down


Love this one of Segris'

Cate's exuberant painting

Segris' painting  finished. Can you count the layers?

Segris checking out how her painting looks with a mat

Cate's experimenting with stencils

End of day 2, tried but happy

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Dates of cold wax and oil workshops

I am having a challenge posting the information abut the classes on the side of the blog, so here it is:

Special dates can be arranged for private or groups with 3 or more people . Contact me by email to arrange times and dates:

COLD WAX AND OIL workshops
Oct. 16 & 17th 10am to 3 pm
Nov. 13 & 14, 10 am to 3 pm.
Two Day Workshops: $250 USD plus $20 materials fee

This workshops include transportation from La Comer. I will pick you up at 9:45 am and take you back around 3pm. or you can take a cab or drive. Directions on my website;
$100 deposit required.


Monday, September 11, 2017

Cold Wax Classes

cold wax and oil on cradled panel
I am adding cold wax and oil to my workshops. The prices will be a bit less than the encaustic classes. The materials cost will be $20 rather than the $40 for the encaustic.

cold wax and oil on panel

cold wax and oil on panel

cold wax on cradled panel

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