Monday, September 26, 2022

Vacation with an artist

This is exciting. I've joined the @vawaa_ family! VAWAA (Vacation With An Artist) It offers mini apprenticeships with master artists and craftspeople all over the world. You can now book an Encaustic Painting adventure with me @VAWAA . Learn more or book via the link #vawaa #vacationwithanartist Check it out. this is a unique experience for adventurous travelers: ​

Thursday, July 21, 2022

I am still working and teaching

It has been everal months since I posted. The time has flown by.I had a solo show at a new gallery In San Miguel in Jume. It was the first time the entire series of "Lightness of Being" has been show - except for the sold ones. The comments and reviews were the best I have received in my entire career. I am continuing giving my encasutic workshops and meeting interesting new people and making new friedns. I am not posting scheduled classes, but alowing students to pick the dates that work best for them and then we do either group classes of private classes. Here are some photos of the most recent students: I love the fact that everyone's work is differnt. Sorry, I posted the same photo twice and don't seem to be able to delete it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Latest In-studio Workshops

It is wonderful that more and more people are wanting to learn to paint with hot wax and resin. I love teaching and making new friends Covid safety protocals are in place with plenty of fresh air in the studio. The next 2 scheduled workshops will be painting figuratively in encaustic.

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